During our class conversation about gender stereotypes
on Tuesday, I recalled a commercial I recently saw.
The commercial (displayed below) depicts a Dad being reminded constantly
via sticky notes by his wife and son to put Go-Gurt in his son’s lunch box.
This commercial pulls upon Snoop, as it shows both the wife as well as the little boy placing
reminders for the Dad in all of the places he comes in contact with during his
daily routine, such as the lunch box, cabinet, and freezer—the wife and child
know the Dad’s patterns and place the notes accordingly in order to make sure he would not forget the
This commercial is targeted more towards Dads then it is
children, as it shows how much kids love Go-Gurt as well as that it is a
healthy and nutritional snack. I found
it interesting that the Dad is portrayed in this commercial as the parent who
puts together the child’s lunchbox, versus the Mom. With the steady raise in dual-income
families, both parents not only work but also take care of the kids. This commercial is a good example of how times
are changing and the stereotypical stay-at-home Mom is starting to phase
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